Govansh Bachav Seva Samiti trust

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

Welcome to Vrindavan Go-Brahmana Seva

Is Cow Protection an Act of Compassion or Dharma?

Cow Protection: Our Dharma (Cosmic Law), Our Responsibility

Srila Prabhupada  emphasized that cow protection isn’t a responsibility for just a few; it is a duty for all. It is a part of our dharma, as much as chanting Hare Krishna, watering Tulasi Devi, and reading the Bhagavatam. It is not simply the responsibility of some select group, but rather, it is the collective responsibility of all Vaishnavas.

Why Cow Protection is Integral

The Cow is Our Mother
In a world where cows are often mistreated, slaughtered, and exploited, we stand as guardians of the cow, our mother. She provides us with milk, a life-sustaining gift, and as such, we must reciprocate with protection and care. To protect cows is not merely an act of kindness but a part of our duty as Vaisnavas. We must take on this responsibility to ensure that cows are loved, nourished, and treated with the reverence they deserve.

What Does It Mean to Protect Cows?

Cow protection isn’t about having a cow on your balcony in downtown Singapore? or in a cramped space. True protection requires a herd and a sustainable environment where cows can live naturally and peacefully. This involves the establishment of Goshals (cow shelters), ongoing care, proper feeding, and ensuring the cows’ health. The devotees from across the world must contribute to cow protection, be it through donations, volunteering, or providing food for the cows. Cow protection is everyone’s responsibility.

Our Duty in the Bigger Picture

Cow protection is not a separate task; it is a core responsibility in the larger scheme of Varnasrama Dharma, which outlines the duties for all. If one does not participate in cow protection, they are neglecting their dharma — and thus, they are engaging in adharma (irresponsible behavior). Just as chanting Hare Krishna is a common responsibility for all Vaisnavas, so is cow protection.

While it may be difficult for some to take on the role of a cowherd, we must realize that cow protection is not just a practice; it is an integral part of life in the spiritual world. In Goloka Vrindavan, the divine realm of Lord Krishna, tending to cows is a central part of existence. If we cannot adopt this service here in the material world, we must question: Where are we truly going? If we cannot embrace cow protection, then we must reconsider whether we belong in Braja, where cow protection is the heart of life.

The Spiritual Aspect of Cow Protection

In Goloka Vrindavan, Krishna tends to cows every day. It is essential to recognize that cow protection is a divine service, one that connects us directly with the divine nature of Krishna. Tending to cows is not beneath us; it is a sacred duty. This service is highly revered, and in fact, in the spiritual world, gopas (cowherds) are considered some of the most blessed souls. If we are not willing to serve the cows, then we need to ask ourselves: Am I fulfilling my dharmic duty? Am I fulfilling my role as a Vaisnava?

Taking Action for Cow Protection

At a practical level, we must ask ourselves: What am I doing to protect my mother, the cow? As devotees of Supreme Lord, we must participate in cow protection through tangible actions. Whether by donating, volunteering, or spreading awareness, we must each contribute to ensuring that cows are properly protected. It is our duty as Vaisnavas to not only care for the cows but to also ensure that our communities do so as well.

The protection of cows is our collective responsibility. We cannot simply talk about it; we must take action. Cow protection is a vital part of our spiritual journey, and we must be dedicated to fulfilling this service. When we step forward in service to protect the cows, we align ourselves with Krishna’s divine purpose and show true reverence for the life He has entrusted us with.

Call to Action

As a community, we encourage you to take part in cow protection. Whether through direct service or donations, every effort counts in this sacred mission. Let us unite to honor and protect the cows, fulfilling our dharma as true Vaisnavas.

Donate, volunteer, or simply spread awareness about the importance of cow protection. Together, we can ensure that cows are given the respect, love, and protection they deserve. Join us in this noble mission.

Jai GouMata! Jai Gopal!

Benefits of Serving Gomata ​

Benefits of serving Gomata

Spiritual Benefits

  1. Gateway to Moksha (Liberation):
    The Padma Purana states:
    “Go-danam mahadanam cha goseva mahaphalam, gavaam yonau samutpannah sarvapapaih pramuchyate.”
    (Padma Purana, 1.31.31)
    Translation: Donating and serving cows leads to liberation, and those born in a cow-serving lineage are freed from all sins.
  2. Fulfills All Desires:
    The Skanda Purana declares:
    “Gavo me maatarah sarvah svaargaapavarga daayakah, tathaa ye sevaam kurvanti moksham aapnuvanti te.”
    (Skanda Purana, 1.5.17)
    Translation: Cows are universal mothers who grant heavenly pleasure and liberation. Serving them fulfills all desires.
  3. Abode of All Deities:
    The Brahma Vaivarta Purana emphasizes:
    “Sarve devaah sthitaah gaamsthu.”
    Translation: All the demigods reside in the body of the cow. Thus, serving Gomata is akin to serving all deities.
  1. Grants the Supreme Blessings of the Lord

The Brihat Parashara Smriti explains:
“Goseva phalam aapnoti yatphalam vishnu pujanat.”

Translation: The merit obtained by serving cows is equivalent to worshipping Lord Vishnu Himself.

This highlights that serving cows pleases the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as Gomata is dear to Him.

5.Neutralizes Past Sins

The Padma Purana states:
“Gavaam darshanam punyam sparshanaat paapa naashanam, pradaanam chaiva lokesmin sarva paap pramochanam.”
Translation: Simply seeing cows is pious, touching them destroys sins, and serving or donating to them eradicates all sins.

The presence of Gomata in one’s life purifies the mind and body, erasing the effects of sinful activities.

6.Opens the Gates to Vaikuntha (Spiritual Abode)

The Skanda Purana mentions:
“Go-grasam grahayet vipre pathanaya hari-katham, nishkaamatvam cha labhate vaikuntham cha vrajayate.”
Translation: Offering food to cows while hearing the glories of Hari ensures liberation and entry into Vaikuntha.

Service to Gomata coupled with devotion to Krishna accelerates spiritual progress and guarantees a higher destination after death.

7.Birth in a Noble and Devoted Family

The Garuda Purana explains:
“Gosevanaat sukham labdhvaa punar dehaat cha paavanam, shuddhaatma bhavati praag janmaani cha vishuddhyati.”
Translation: Those who serve cows in this life are born into pure, noble families and continue their spiritual journey unimpeded.

Such service purifies not only the current birth but also grants auspicious circumstances in future lives.

8.Shelter of All Auspicious Qualities

The Mahabharata (Anushasana Parva 83.3) says:
“Na hi go-pasya pashyatam kashchid-apyashubham phalam, go-darshanam vishuddhatma dhanam dhanyam yashasvini.”
Translation: No misfortune can touch those who serve cows. Seeing a cow ensures a pure heart, wealth, fame, and success.

By serving Gomata, devotees naturally imbibe divine qualities like humility, compassion, and detachment from material desires.

9. Personal Connection with Lord Krishna

Lord Krishna’s name Gopal (protector of cows) and His pastimes in Vrindavan revolve around His loving service to Gomata. The Vishnu Dharmottara Purana says:
“Yo gosevaam karoti yah sa govindasya vaa priyaah.”
Translation: Whoever serves cows is exceedingly dear to Govinda (Krishna).

Serving cows establishes a direct connection with Krishna, as they are His most beloved companions.

10.Protection from Negative Karma

The Matsya Purana declares:
“Goseva naashayed rogah goseva vriddhi kaarakah, goseva sarva-sampatti hetuh sarvatra samridhida.”
Translation: Serving cows destroys diseases, increases prosperity, and protects from negative karmic influences.

Cows emit a peaceful, sattvic energy that harmonizes one’s surroundings and neutralizes harmful influences.

11. Grants Siddhis (Mystic Powers)

The Atharva Veda (11.1.34) extols the mystical benefits:
“Go-mat devasya dravyasya yatra gavaah nivasantih.”
Translation: Wherever cows are served, divine energies manifest, bestowing mystic powers and blessings.

Gomata embodies divine energies that uplift both spiritual seekers and householders.

12. Assists in Crossing the Cycle of Birth and Death

The Narada Purana states:
“Go-shalasya samipe yah tapasam phalam aapnuyat, brahma lokaam vrajet so’pi nirvaanam yati nishchitam.”
Translation: Those who serve in or near a goshala (cow sanctuary) earn the fruit of austerities and attain liberation.

Serving cows reduces attachment to material life, paving the way to transcendental realization and freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

13.Enhances Bhakti (Devotional Service)

The Harivamsa Purana highlights:
“Go-mata vandanaat bhaktih krishnasya vardhate shubha.”
Translation: Bowing to and serving Gomata enhances one’s devotion to Krishna.

A devotee’s service to cows increases their love and surrender to the Lord, nurturing a deeper spiritual connection.

14.Blessings for Generations

The Bhagavata Purana states:
“Gosamrakshanaya pujitah pitri devo bhavati.”
Translation: Protecting cows brings blessings to one’s ancestors and future generations.

The merit of serving cows benefits not just the individual but also their family lineage, ensuring spiritual welfare.

15. The Connection of Cows with Bhakti

Gaudiya Vaishnavism places immense importance on serving cows, as they are dear to Krishna and integral to His pastimes.

  1. Pleasing Krishna
    Srila Rupa Goswami in Sri Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu explains:
    “Krishna eva gokule vasati yatha gopalanam go-vatsanam cha seva pradah.”
    Translation: Krishna eternally resides in Gokula, surrounded by His cows and calves. Serving them directly pleases Him.
  • By caring for cows, a devotee directly participates in Krishna’s transcendental pastimes.
  1. Gateway to Vaikuntha
    Srila Narottama Das Thakur in Prem Bhakti Chandrika states:
    “Go-mata seva kara krishna-pada smarana, sei seva te mile vrajera dhyana.”
    Translation: Serve Gomata while remembering Krishna’s lotus feet, for such service brings the meditation of Vrindavan closer to the heart.
  • Serving cows fosters deep absorption in the mood of Vraja-bhakti.

c. The Cow as the Root of Prosperity

In Hari-bhakti-vilasa (11.53), Srila Sanatana Goswami quotes the Skanda Purana:
“Go-shu krishna-mukhaṁ drishtva yasya santi param sukham, yasya seva tu krishna sevaya samata dhruvam.”
Translation: By serving cows, one attains happiness equal to serving Krishna directly, as Krishna eternally resides among His cows.

  • Benefit: Serving Gomatas ensures both material prosperity and spiritual bliss.

d. Cows Are the Support of the Universe

Srimad Bhagavatam (10.21.18):
“namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca, jagad-dhitaya krishnaya govindaya namo namah.”
Translation: O Krishna, protector of cows and Brahmanas, benefactor of the entire world, we offer our repeated obeisances unto You.

  • Benefit: Serving cows aligns one with Krishna’s mission of universal well-being.

e.The Cow’s Service Blesses Generations

Padma Purana states (quoted in Hari-bhakti-vilasa 11.76):
“Go-rakshyam iti niyamam yah karoti satatam narah, sa swargam adhigachati nityam cha govinda-dasam labhet.”
Translation: One who consistently protects and serves cows ascends to the heavenly planets and eternally remains a servant of Govinda.

  • Benefit: Generations of a family that protect cows are uplifted both spiritually and materially.


Serving Gomata is a rare and exalted opportunity to progress in spiritual life, gain Krishna’s mercy, and uplift one’s soul. By protecting and caring for cows, we not only safeguard divine energies but also align ourselves with the purest principles of dharma and bhakti.

As the Skanda Purana summarizes:
“Gavo rakshati rakshitah.”
Translation: Protect the cows, and they will protect you.

  1. Ecological and Material Benefits
  1. Purification of the Atmosphere:
    The Agni Purana mentions:
    “Goghrita pravahena homah pavitram bhavati.”
    Translation: Offering clarified butter (ghee) made from cow’s milk in yajnas (sacrifices) purifies the environment and wards off negative energies.
  2. Natural Fertilizer and Pest Control:
    Cow dung and urine, revered as sacred, act as natural fertilizers and pesticides, promoting organic farming and soil health.
  3. Sustains Life:
    The Rig Veda (10.87.16) declares:
    “Dhenu sadanam rayinam.”
    Translation: Cows are the source of prosperity, nourishment, and wealth.
  1. Emotional and Social Benefits
  1. Enhances Compassion:
    By serving cows, individuals develop humility, compassion, and a sense of responsibility for all living beings. The cow’s gentle nature inspires peace and contentment.
  2. Promotes Unity and Prosperity:
    The Bhagavata Purana (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.16.18) states:
    “Gavo vriddha mata gaurava.”
    Translation: Societies where cows are protected prosper materially and spiritually.
  3. Source of Sacred Gifts:
    Cows provide milk, curd, ghee, and other sacred products that are essential for Vedic rituals and the well-being of humanity.
  1. Specific Scriptural Stories and Examples
  1. Lord Krishna’s Love for Cows:
    Lord Krishna, known as Gopal (the protector of cows), personally served and loved the cows in Vrindavan. He declared:
    “Namo brahmanya devaya go brahmana hitaya cha.”
    (Vishnu Purana, 1.19.65)
    Translation: Krishna is the well-wisher of cows and brahmanas.
  2. King Dilipa’s Service:
    The Raghuvamsa (Kalidasa) narrates the story of King Dilipa, who attained divine blessings by serving Surabhi, the celestial cow.
  3. The Govardhana Lila:
    By lifting Govardhana Hill, Krishna demonstrated the importance of protecting cows and the environment.
  1. Quotes from Modern Acharyas
  1. Srila Prabhupada (Founder of ISKCON):
    “By serving the cow, you are serving Krishna directly. Protecting cows will protect human civilization.”
  2. Bhaktivinoda Thakura:
    “Gomata is not just a giver of milk; she sustains the whole society with her blessings.”

Call to Action :

“By serving Gomata, you are not only protecting an innocent and divine being but also nurturing your soul, the environment, and future generations. Let us unite in this sacred mission!”

About Us

Welcome to our dedicated initiative for Vrindavan Go-Brahmana Seva (Cow Protection and Vaisnava Seva) , where every life matters, and every action counts. Cows are revered as mothers and symbols of divine compassion in our culture. Their well-being is our sacred responsibility, and we need your help to fulfill this noble duty.

In Sri Vrindavan Dham’s Chaurasi 84 Kos region, our committed team works tirelessly day and night to safeguard these gentle beings from harm. Here’s how we strive to protect and serve:

A Mission where Actions Speak Louder than Words:-

At Govansh Bachav Seva Samiti Vrindavan, we are deeply committed to protecting, caring for, and serving destitute cows. While we can’t showcase every moment of our heartfelt efforts here, we invite you to explore the abundant stories of compassion and service captured on our YouTube Channel and Facebook Channel 

Our videos reflect the impact of our work—real actions that resonate beyond words. See for yourself the dedication and love that drives our mission.

Here are some videos showcasing how we have rescued and cared for cows.

What We Do

Night Patrols to Save Cows from Slaughter:

The threat of cow theft is a heartbreaking reality that we face every day. Mother cows, often in their prime, are abducted under the cover of darkness by thieves, who intend to sell them for slaughter. These innocent beings, who serve humanity in many ways, are deprived of their lives and dignity. But our team is determined to protect them.

  • Real-Life Heroism: We’ve had numerous cases where our team, equipped with unwavering determination, chased down thieves in high-speed pursuits. On several occasions, we intercepted their vehicles, rescuing the cows from imminent danger. These thieves were caught red-handed and immediately surrendered to the police, ensuring that justice is served.

Cow Slaughter House

  • A Commitment to 24/7 Vigilance: Our team conducts Night Safaris each night, patrolling the streets and rural areas, trying their level best that no cow is left vulnerable to theft. The darkness of the night does not deter us; instead, it strengthens our resolve. We work tirelessly, staying vigilant through the night, to safeguard these cows from harm and ensure their safety.
  • Dangerous but Necessary Work: Our team is often forced to confront thieves who can be violent and dangerous, yet we continue our mission because these cows have no voice to defend themselves. The real-life risks we face are high, but the welfare of these cows outweighs everything.
  • The Role of Community: Our mission is not just about saving the cows but also about creating awareness within the community. Through our efforts, we hope to inspire others to stand with us in this cause and contribute to the collective protection of these sacred beings.


This sacred work cannot continue without your support. Every donation you make is a lifeline for these innocent creatures. Your contribution will directly fund:
• Emergency rescue operations
• Medical treatment and care
• Night patrols to prevent theft
• Construction of a dedicated Goshala
• Equipment for critically injured cows
With your help, we can save countless lives and ensure these beloved cows live with dignity and love.


“Pledge to Protect Go Mata”

परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षाः, परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।
परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः, परोपकाराय शरीरमिदम्।

This beautiful sloka reminds us that just as trees bear fruits, rivers flow, and cows provide milk for the benefit of others, our lives, too, are meant for service and compassion.

Cows, revered as Go Mata, selflessly nourish us with their milk, enrich the soil with their dung, and embody love and simplicity. Yet, many cows today suffer from neglect, injuries, and lack of care.

In Vrindavan, we are working tirelessly to rescue and care for injured, orphaned, and abandoned cows. We provide medical treatment, food, and shelter, while also saving cows from theft and harm. But we cannot do this alone. Your support is crucial. A small contribution from you can help us build a larger Goshala, ensure proper care for these divine beings, and continue this sacred service.

By protecting cows, you are following the divine teachings of selflessness and serving a cause dear to Lord Krishna. Let us honor this spirit of परोपकाराय शरीरमिदम्—dedicating ourselves to the welfare of others.

Donate today and be a part of this noble mission. Protect Go Mata, nurture the world.

Charity in Goodness (BG: 17.20)

Please Chant and Donate

We humbly invite you to chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra and offer your heartfelt support for our Cow Protection Mission in Vrindavan.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare,
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

Your generous donations will be utilized at the right place (Vrindavan), at the right time, and for the right cause—serving Gomatas and promoting Vaishnava seva. This form of giving is beautifully described in the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 17, Verse 20) as Charity in the Mode of Goodness:

“That gift which is given out of duty, at the proper time and place, for the right cause, and without expectation of return, is considered to be in the mode of goodness.”

Let your contributions become a Charity in Goodness, helping to sustain and uplift this sacred mission. Together, we can ensure that your acts of kindness bring spiritual and material blessings to all.

Join Us in This Divine Cause

Let us come together to protect and nurture these gentle beings who give so much to the world. Your donations, no matter how small, make a huge difference.

Donate Today and Be a Part of This Sacred Mission
Together, let us fulfill the eternal duty of Go Seva and create a world where no cow suffers, and every life is cherished.

“When you protect the cow, you protect the heart of dharma itself.”

his charity is doing incredible work in protecting and caring for cows. Their dedication to preserving these gentle creatures is truly inspiring



I have witnessed the love and compassion this organization shows toward cows. They don’t just rescue them; they nurture and provide them with a safe and loving environment.


Ravi Mehta

Their work in cow protection goes beyond words. The transparency and the impact they create are commendable. A must-support organization!


Rahul Gupta

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